A "top of the tour bus" view of Porto
How many beaches have you been to with a castle in the background?
Cool sculpture of a fishing net in the background.
Ryan trying to figure out how to "pay to pee"!
Our apartment is the top floor of the red building.
Hi this is Trevor talking ( I probably don’t need this introduction; my blogging quality is just that good that you can tell it’s me). We ate breakfast when we woke up, then finally left after lots of complaining from Ryan. We took the double decker bus (anyone riding it pretty much has a sign above there head saying “look! I’m a tourist!”) It was pretty much the same as any double decker we have ever took, with lots of buildings, they’re just different buildings than the other tours. After taking the full loop, we went back to our apartment and ate some sandwiches that we bought from this sandwich store; that is really tasty (we got lunch there yesterday, today, and we are getting lunch there tomorrow). After lunch we took a different double decker and went to the beach. The beach was jam packed, almost 50,000 people there (my guess). Me and Ry swam (and played American football) while Katie sunbathed (surprised?) and my parents sat on the sand (fun). We took a double decker back to the apartment, then went out for dinner. For the receipt the waiter tried to scam my dad by making one of the items pricier; but with my dad’s careful accountant eye, we caught the mistake.
Type to you later,
Trevor you make me laugh out loud! anyway sounds like you guys are having a lot of fun. Can you read these comments? sorry stupid question. Everything looks so pretty!
Trevor - it's uncle Pat. The waiters had a bet on wheter or not they could scam "el cheapo" the american bean counter. But after losing 5 euros he knows you can't scam 'el cheapo". Did Ryan figure out the bathroom or did he just go in the bushes? Have fun.
ReplyDeleteYes Mary, we can read your comments...keep 'em comin', we love them!
ReplyDeletePat we are laughing till we cry at your comment!!!! BTW Ryan used the bushes...remember who his dad is!