Just giving you some eye candy to keep you with us while we sort out some photo downloading issues! This is Tram 28, the Alfama neighborhood trolly, which we have utilized quite a bit as part of our local transportation. As it passes through some of the very narrow streets, it feels like it will take out anyone or thing that may be in it's way, but no mishaps while we were aboard!
We are off to new towns and experiences today, Coimbra and Porto! More once we get settled and sort out our technical difficulties.
Just read all the blogs to date. Ok, donde esta el poopoo is just great. You will have to rent the Ringo Starr caveman movie when you get home. Some similar sentiiments there. And the balloon guy? That won't stop being funny. I love the variety of writing styles. I wish I would have done this with my kids on this trip to CA. We are probably speaking as much Spanish in San Diego as you are in Portugal. Please no more posts of a shirtless Ryan. Se me duele. We met a family from Madison today at the zoo. I told them that Bucky did their mom. Bom noite